How it works?
Cloud and on-premise configurations
to fit every organization need.
option 1
Running on the Cloud
This service is provided as a ‘Software-as-a-service’ (SaaS) on the cloud. With completely running on Facetone cloud infrastructure, you have no infrastructure to procure or manage. All you would need is for your teams to just login and get started.
option 2
Running with Call Servers On-Premise
On this method of implementation all of the infrastructure is on the cloud except the media servers for voice traffic is implemented on-premise. This method of implementation is preferred in the case of your telco’s terminating the voice lines within your premises and the agents answering the voice calls are also within the same premises. This avoids the latency for voice traffic being carried to and fro from the cloud.
option 3
Running On-Premise
Running On premise is also facilitated by Facetone. This would mean the entire tenancy will be deployed on-premise infrastructure. This implementation is preferred by some organisations with certain aspects of regulatory compliance. In some countries for Organisations holding citizens data such as banks, telecommunication providers, hospitals which are regulated require to host the application on servers on-premise.